I've finished the Twilight-inspired mitts for the niece (I'll let you know if she likes them after her birthday) and I'm now working on Christmas gifts - starting with a lovely green cable bag and cloche hat with ruffles.... not wanting to give too much away (obviously) so that's enough about that (for now)!!
We are still recovering from a visitation from the in-laws - 5 additional people in the house made for mammouth logistical manoeuvres each day to get everyone up and out... reasonably successfully, I might add, but I'm now kinda glad to be back in the 'ole routine (and the calmer kids I get because of it).
I haven't had much time to knit with all the prep for the visitation (and a 40th birthday to plan for too) so I am itching to get on with all the things I have planned..
And just for fun - I decided to buy a spindle and some wool (please don't ask if its top, roving or whatever - I'm still trying to get clued up on all that!!) and attempted to spin some yarn too (see right) - it LOOKS like yarn, right?
AND in a flash of inspiration, I thought I should learn how to dye my finished yarn all sorts of fantastic colours... so my local library is stripped bare of all books on spinning and dyeing and I'm collecting jam jars to mix dyestock in... maybe its just a phase and I'll grow out of it, but I'm sorta hoping not....!! We'll see how I get on - but I think I need to get my priorities sorted!!!
Of course, all this means I am a little distracted from my plans for world (knitting) domination i.e. writing up patterns to sell via Ravelry and learning new tricks... ho hum... now where did I put my latest project....
Sanity check: chilled after an afternoon at the beach!
Stash +/-: +lots of sock yarn after a momentary laspe of reason on the Knit Picks site.. (groan)
Projects +/-: +3 Christmas projects