OK - so I have two small kids and stash which could start a (small) yarn shop which means that of course I have enough time to start a blog as well!!!
I'm hoping it will keep me sane - something which knitting and Ravelry do - although I do have to remember (as my DH repeatedly tells me) that knitting is a distraction from the kids and not the other way round....
So - to business - I've been adding old knitting projects to my profile in Ravelry (knittythor) and one of them was a scarf that I created for my son. I decided to write up the pattern and publish it - so here I am - a published knitwear designer!! Ooohh - get me!! Its called "Little Me" and its a cute little blue scarf (see above)... if you're in Ravelry - then take a look - its free to download too...
I do have another design published - in a proper book too, called Egg Cozies - and if I ever work out how to link to things in here (when I have a few spare moments) I'll get it, and any other things I design, added here too...